Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tough out here

One of the toughest part of being far away from friends and family is our ability to cope through difficult situations. Always, something strikes us and the first people we turn to are our closest friends. For me, it has been very tough the past few days.

Something happened in my life that propelled me into a general state of sadness. While we don't need to go into why, it has been very difficult to cope. At least when I was in New York City, my friends and I were in the same time zone. I know the calls won't be dropping randomly. I don't need to wait until awkward times to speak to them. Here in Hong Kong, it makes it so much tougher. What's really tough is that there are few people here I can truly confide in. Even when I do confide in them, it is not the same. I feel I cannot be as free. I still hold back. There are some things I do not share, in fear of how they would judge me. On Wednesday night, at the time when I was in my deepest sadness, I could not think of a single person in Hong Kong I could talk to. Instead, I called my friend in DC. I know I would have felt much better to confide in person, but it was just not a possiblity in the realities of Hong Kong.

The toughest part of being so far away is missing the friends, family and support.

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