Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Team Pavel Rocking Nepal

We get so caught up in our lives that we forget, our lives are more privileged, more comfortable, and more enjoyable than majority of the world. Publicity and media is always around the life of the rich and famous, but over 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. Last week, I have had one of the great opportunities to help one family out of that 80%. 

Our team of twelve moved made our way to Kavre, Nepal, a small sleepy town outside of the capital Kathmandu. Lives are dramatically different from this small area away from the tourist destinations. The views are unspoiled, electricity came on and off, hot water is not always available, and Diet Cokes are completely off the shelf (we tried, 5 different stores). Yet at this place, without the usual worldly comforts, we managed to have one of the most fulfilling and amazing five days of our lives. 

Sure, we absolutely admit we have no idea what we are doing. Digging trenches, building foundation, laying bricks, we have no idea. Many times, our Nepalese counterparty had to correct our work. Yes, our pride is sometimes wounded - I mean how could we lay stones down inappropriately? Yet our hard work was meaningful. The house was half-way built after three days. Every bit helps. 

In addition, to our three days of hard work, sweat, and sometimes (just a little) blood, we stopped in Kathmandu for one evening to catch our flight. Never been to India, this is what I imagine Nepal to be. On our drive down, a herd of cows were crossing the road, causing a major jam. The temples are pristine - and peaceful. The style of temples are unique, where these styles are only in existence around the Himalayan community of Nepal and Tibet. Peace and prosperity - that's what we brought and took away from ourselves. 

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