Sunday, November 20, 2011

Richard III

On Friday, I discovered where's the best place to find expats in Singapore - go to the theaters. I have never seen so many expats in one place without a single Singaporean accent in the air. Even the Asians weren't Singaporeans, they were expats from other countries. The play was beautifully done. Kevin Spacey did a superb performance as the evil king - his limp was absolutely impeccable. You actually believed he was a limp. The play's timing seemed to be post-modern given the costumes. 

What made the play truly special, however, was that Kevin Spacey took the time to acknowledge his high school drama teacher post the performance. That was something I have never seen before. 

The stage at the Esplanade Theater was huge - it was fully technologically functional with screens, lights, and movable walls with doors. The seating was stadium seating - all state of the arts technologies and facilities. Richard III was one of Shakespeare's darker works - and Kevin Spacey brought it to life. 

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