Friday, August 6, 2010

Perks in Hong Kong

So many things in Hong Kong just blow your mind. In many ways, I can see why someone stays here for decades. The city really makes your life so much easier. The purchasing power (if you know where to purchase) is quite great. Here are the top 10 things why Hong Kong is amazing.

10. Cabs are incredibly cheap - it's about 2 dollars to get to work - cheaper than a subway ride in New York

9. I just discovered that you don't have to pay U.S. taxes on the first $90,000 you make in Hong Kong. I feel like I now have so much more discretionary income because Hong Kong taxes is only 17%.

8.  No real tipping is expected in Hong Kong. The prices you see are the prices you pay. You might tip 10% if the service is amazing.....

7. Everyone here is super friendly. Strangers who are introduced by friends of friends just hang out and go out. That would never happen in New York City.

6. Alcohol can be purchased everywhere - including 7-11. It is sold 24/7.

5. No open container laws. Enough said.

4. MTR = cleanest, most efficient, easiest way of travel by subway compared to any other city in the world. Trains come every 5 minutes - and they are hyper air conditioned and clean. London Tube is clean, but no AC. DC metro has AC, but not as clean. NYC, subway is just sketch.

3. Typhoons tend to cancel work. I hear it typhoons quite often in August/September. YES!

2. For our company summer offsite, we are going to Phuket for a weekend. I thought the Nat Res Golf Outing on Long Island was intense. This will make that seem like a day in the office.

1. It's good to be at a place where high quality Chinese food can be found again.

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