Monday, December 27, 2010

1 month, 5 countries (at least passport stamps)

Decemeber 2010 represented the reason I came to Hong Kong, the access to new and exciting places in a short distance, broadening my horizons and shedding the image of the egotistical american with zero clue about the world. In a few short weeks in Decemeber, I managed to be in Hong Kong, Taiwan, PRC, Japan, and Philippines. While I will be writing in further details in future entries about the trips, I feel like I have experienced so much in a very short amount of time. From a further understanding of a country that I considered a rogue state most of my life to discovering the complete foreign nature of the Japanese culture to the complete relaxation state in the beach resort of Cebu. All of this done, with only 3 vacation days taken.

While close to many places in Asia, most of the places to travel would require 3 days rather than just the weekend given the flight times. Unlike London and Europe, where everything is a 2 hour flight away. Asia is significantly bigger and only a few places can be reached in a 2 hour flight. Even Beijing, which many consider possible for a day trip for business, is close to 4 hours away. I think any flight over 3 hours away would be quite difficult to make it a weekend adventure.

So next on my list to tackle in Asia: Vietnam, Australia, and Myanmar. Let me know if anyone is game!

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