Monday, December 13, 2010

The Inevitable Question

On Friday night, over a couple of burgers, we discussed the successful model of life. For men, it is well laid out. They work hard, get to become an MD, and have a housewife to raise their children. We thought through all the MDs, that is exactly the lifestyle they have. For women, the successful model is less clear. The few MDs there are in banking, did they hire an army of caretakers for their house/kids? What does society actually think of that? What position is the husband suppose to have? I don't know of any female banker that is married to a stay-at-home father. So do they marry ppl with normal 9 - 5 jobs or do they marry high-powered men as well? The path is much unclear for a woman.

Coming up on 3 years of banking, I wished I knew there was a clear path for success. It does not seem like a continuation along this route is a path for success, yet it doesn't seem like anything else will be as well.

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