Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Eve in Hong Kong

I figured since everyone on the team will be on vacation, work will be slow, so why take vacation? I can save up my vacation for other times in the year. However, as Christmas approached, I realized why everyone leaves for home. Chatting with my friends in the US, I realized how much I miss everyone and spending Christmas in Hong Kong simply is not the same. I miss the cold weather (or at least the cold walking from inside to the car). I miss the spirit that is all around in the U.S. Here in Hong Kong, on Christmas eve, everyone is partying, bars are hopping, and it's like any other Friday evening. Less than 5% of Hong Kong children spend Christmas with their family. It just doesn't seem as big of a deal here, even though the lights and deocorations are full out (even though they are quite tacky and terrible with purple reefs and yellow lights). Fortunately, a friend invited me to join him and his friends for Christmas eve dinner. However, it's really not the same to spend Christmas with strangers you just met, no matter how friendly they are. I am grateful for the friends I have here in Hong Kong, but I miss home in this holiday season. Now I know why people return despite the lack of work. As much as I enjoyed my travels, I will look forward to the next holiday season with my family.

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